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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a heavily researched and fairly structured form of therapy. The language can be pretty specific sometimes, and your therapist will make sure you are on the same page about what we mean when we use it. The infographic below explains a bit of the language we will use.

EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (BLS) to speed up the brain’s capacity to process and heal a troubling memory, negative beliefs about self, and/or blocking belief. The use of BLS stimulates the same eye movements that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, or dream sleep. BLS helps important parts of the brain work together to reintegrate a memory. This is the natural way the brain heals from upsetting events.


Trauma tends to disrupt the brain’s natural healing process and EMDR helps it get back on track. Some clients can experience relief or positive effects in just a few sessions and others might need more sessions. EMDR is effective in treating trauma-related symptoms, whether the traumatic event occurred many years ago or yesterday.


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EMDR intensives!

EMDR Infographic Ellen Payne trauma therapy counseling texas

what are EMDR intensives?

EMDR intensives are a unique and concentrated form of therapy that offers several advantages compared to the traditional weekly sessions. Most intensives last 1-3 days depending on the severity of trauma and treatment goals. Most intensives happen in consecutive days but could be more spread out if appropriate or necessary. Below are the main benefits of choosing an EMDR intensive.

1. Accelerated Progress: One of the primary benefits of EMDR intensives is the potential for accelerated progress. During a standard weekly session, clients may need several weeks or even months to work through specific traumatic memories. In an intensive format, you can cover a significant amount of material in a shorter period, leading to faster emotional healing.

2. Deeper Processing: EMDR intensives allow for more extended, uninterrupted periods of focused therapy. This can facilitate deeper processing of traumatic memories, leading to a more comprehensive and profound therapeutic experience. The extended time allows us to explore different aspects of your experiences, emotions, and beliefs, promoting a more thorough healing process.

3. Enhanced Focus: In a weekly therapy model, it can sometimes be challenging to maintain consistent focus and momentum. EMDR intensives provide a concentrated environment where you can stay fully engaged in the therapeutic process for extended periods. This sustained focus can lead to more profound insights and breakthroughs.

4. Reduced Disruption: Traditional weekly therapy sessions can sometimes feel fragmented, with interruptions between sessions that may impede the flow of processing. EMDR intensives offer continuity, minimizing disruptions and creating a more seamless therapeutic experience. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who thrive in immersive and continuous therapeutic environments.

5. Comprehensive Support: EMDR intensives often include comprehensive support services, such as additional check-ins, resources, and follow-up sessions. This ensures that you have the necessary support throughout and after the intensive to help integrate your experiences and maintain progress.

6. Customized Treatment Plans: EMDR intensives allow for the tailoring of treatment plans to meet your unique needs. The extended time together enables a more flexible and personalized approach, ensuring that we address your specific challenges and goals comprehensively.

It's important to note that while EMDR intensives can be highly effective, they may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as individual readiness, emotional capacity, and personal preferences play a role in determining the appropriateness of this approach. Before deciding on an intensive, we would discuss your specific needs and determine if it aligns with your therapeutic goals.

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